Chinese proverb

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day, TEACH a man how to fish and you feed him for a life time!".

Wednesday 3 April 2013

World Book Day 2013

Dressing up as a character in a story!

Walking through the jungle, what can you see?  
Can you hear a noise? 
What could it be?
Well I think it was a lion, looking for his tea!!!
                                                 Mrs Buys, scaring everyone!
                                              Spiderman, Superman, Jerry the Mouse. . . .
                                            GI Joe, fireman Sam's, a tiger and a bee!
                                              Barney, a rabbit, a nurse and a princess!
                                                  We even had a power ranger!

                                                       Grrrrr...... says the tiger!
                                                 Jerry the mouse and the rabbit!
                                                          Our own class nurse!
Barney the Dinosaur!  

Creative play in the garden!

                                               Exploring and playing with shapes!

                                                     Learning to work together!
                                                 Sharing ideas and thoughts!
                                                         Great team work girls!
                                              All the colours of the rainbow rice!!
                                                            Outdoor painting
Designing our own jackets using plastic shopping
bags and various collage materials!

The Post Office!

Learning through role-play

We learned new vocabulary like stamp, post, write a letter, wrap a parcel, envelope, post box, mail delivery person etc.

We also learned about the many uses for a post office, why we use it and who can use it.